C'est facile!

Copyright © 2025 C'est facile! All rights reserved.

C'est facile! mission is to help you learning French. C'est facile! focusses on French verbs and their conjugations and provides full conjugation tables of more than thousand regular and irregular verbs in all modes and tenses. You can also practise these verbs on line. Besides verbs C'est facile! also treats other grammar subjects like, numbers and reading time.

C'est facile! is part of a network of sites about Romance languages:

Find verbs in various languages with verbfinder.com.

cestfacile.eu responsive design


nginx, PHP, MariaDB

Joomla!, Content Management System

Bootstrap, HTML, CSS and Javascript

IcoMoon, icons

Autocomplete, accessible autocomplete component for vanilla JavaScript

Let's Encrypt, TLS certificate


Mark Visser